Buzzardstar's Story

Buzzardkit trotted out of the nursery barrier. "Come back here," Torntail called "you might tred on someones' tail." Buzzardkit grunted and turned around and sprinted back to the nursery.

"Ow!" Hawkpetel screamed, Buzzardkit forgot about hawkpetal alot he wasn't used to having a another queen in the nursery ,but ever since Hawkpetal moved in he was cramed. Icekit already had been punished for sneeking out to get some breath air, and he wasn't able to leave the nursery intil next moon. "Remember I'm having kits soon."

"I couldn't forget with all that nagging about him being so big and Fat. What are going to call him Fatkit?" Buzzardkit retorted while laying down in his moss beside Torntail, and Icefang."

"Stop squarming you'll alert all the prey here to the border." Icekit grunted while rolling around in the moss. Buzzardkit lied down beside her and fell asleep." He awoke but not in the familair milky scented nursery.

"Come here little one." a vocie echoed from a bramble thicket Buzzardkit folowed the sound "hello little one," a star pelted she-cat welcomed him "i have a story to tell you, There will be a bird who will fly the sky forever"


Chapter 2

"Mom?"Buzzardkit screamed.

"Yes," Torntail meowed "what do yo want my dear ?" Torntail walked in and layed down beside Buzzardkit and Icekit. Buzzardkit shuffled his feet wondering weather to tell his mother.

"I had a dream," Buzzardkit began "where there was this star pelted she-cat that tolled me there will be a bird that will fly the sky for-" but Torntail interupted him.

"Don't make up story just  becauase you not gettin enough," Torntail walked over to him and flicked her stubed tail ; wich she lost during a fox fight ; over his pelt "you do feel pretty warm, go see Amberbreeze." Buzzardkit got up and walked into the clearing he saw Swollenpaw helping Amberbreeze mix herbs. Buzzardkit thought that was for Hawkpetal witch was expecting kits everyday now. Volefang had been going on on hunting patrols more and more these days.

"There here,There here!" Icekit screamed pelting by Buzzardkit

"What's here ? " Amberbreeze asked her when she had made it to him. Icekit didn't even studder "The kits!" Buzzardkit pricked his ears he expected new kits soon but not that soon. Swollenpaw and Amberbreeze turned around and raced into the nursery followed by Volefang , Icekit and finaly Buzzardkit

When he reached the nursery he saw Swollenpaw feeding Hawkpetal herbs "Here it this, it'll make you feel better," then Amberbreeze said
"just one more , wait this is going to be extra hard to get out Swollenpaw run and get me Dock leaves,yarrow, and poppeyseeds ,we need to fasten her breathing." Swollenpaw turned around and raced toward to the medicane cat den.

When Swollenpaw returned with the poutice he rubed it under Hawkpetal's chin then soon they had a huge fat  kit on the floor next to the she-cat Buzzardkit raced over and peered down at the tom.

"You should call him Fatkit." he sugested.

"You know what I'll will, I want to hear what Duskstar comes up with." Obviously wondering the same thing that he was.Then Buzzardkit turned his attention to the she-cat.

"What about that one?" he asked
"I don't no lets let see what Volefang thinks,"she gazed over to her mate "what do you think?" she asked Volefang looked the kit ove then fell back onto his hind legs.
"She's ginger,a she-cat,what about Pheonixkit ?" he asked. Hawkpetal looked up then turned her atention back to Volefang.
"I like it,the tom's name is fatkit, the she-cat's name is Phenoixkit.we will let Duskstar no right away Icekit, you and Buzzardkit go report the news to him please." Icekit jumped up and down
"Wo Hoo" she screamed the turned and bounded out of the entrance just to be stopped by Torntail
"Come back here , you're not aloud to leave the nursery until next moon, remember? Let Buzzardkit tell him." Icekit turned around and stomped back to her mother and ploped down beside her